23 December, 2015

It's Christmas!

Happy holidays one and all!

May 2016 bring exciting and creative times for everyone.

Here is something glittery to help the festive mood!

04 May, 2015

Old Photos

Early photo restoration Deborah Niland
I've been having a great time looking at and sorting photos from the family collections.  Some of these photos need a lot of restoration because of fading, marks, and damage due to age and fragility.

I found this one of my mother when she was a little girl.  I have restored it quite a bit but it still needs a lot of work.  It is such a sweet photo.

02 April, 2015

Easter Bunnies

Kano Osanabu (1796-1846)

  Happy Easter!  Here is a fine selection of rabbits depicted by different artists.

Mori Kansai (1814-1894)

Kawamura Bumpo c.1807
Old woodblock print
Shao Fan
Hui Yuan Chang
James W Johnson